‘trust the flow of life’
I will always keep the beautiful memories in my heart from the last week of yoga classes and the goodbye party. During the week there were already many moments of saying goodbye, emotional moments, tears and laughter.
I felt extremely thankful for each and every person that came to the yoga classes.
At the goodbye party I realized that for many people the yoga classes were more than just a yoga class. Some met their partner here, some found new best friends, a book club was formed, many yoga friendships blossomed, on Saturday mornings ‘after yoga breakfast’ became a thing and even a small meditation group established recently. That day I felt overwhelmed and full of gratitude for our yoga community.
Last Tuesday we gave the keys to the new owners of the house, a lovely French couple with their little daughter. I feel very happy that they bought the house. Right now Boris is helping them to turn the attic into two bedrooms and so he is again working at the house.
For now, as I am writing this post we are still in Delft, living at the house of Boris parents. Tomorrow I will start my journey, traveling to Germany. First to Leipzig to visit my sister and her family. I will keep you updated.
Thank you!!!
The Netherlands, Delft, April 2019